Kent Casino представляет собой передовое мобильное казино, которое обеспечивает азартные развлечения на высочайшем уровне прямо на вашем устройстве Android. Это уникальное приложение объединяет в себе лучшие игровые автоматы и щедрые бонусы, гарантируя вам незабываемый опыт игры в любое удобное время.
С Kent Casino вы сможете установить на свой мобильный аппарат бесплатно легендарные игры казино, включая самые популярные слоты и азартные игры. Простой процесс скачивания и у
Конечно, вот план для вашей информационной статьи:
Для тех, кто ищет мобильное приложение Kent Casino для Андроид, важно понимать, что это не просто игровое онлайн-казино. Kent Casino предлагает широкий выбор азартных игр и развлечений, доступных в установочном файле APK для Андроид-устройств. Вы можете скачать андроид-программу с официального сайта, чтобы насладиться удобным доступом к игровым автоматам и онлайн-играм.
Преимущества скачивания Kent Casino для Андроид:
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2. Разнообразие игр: мобильная версия Kent Casino предлагает широкий выбор азартных игр и слот-машин, гарантируя каждому пользователю максимальное развлечение.
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Kent Casino предлагает увлекательный мир азартных игр прямо на вашем мобильном устройстве под управлением Android. Скачать это азартное казино-приложение можно просто и быстро.
Шаг 1: Настройте ваше устройство
Перед загрузкой Kent Casino убедитесь, что ваше мобильное устройство разрешает установку приложений из неизвестных источников. Для этого зайдите в Настройки > Безопасность и установите галочку напротив “Неизвестные источники”. Это позволит установить apk-файл с официального сайта казино.
Шаг 2: Скачивание и установка приложения
После настройки устройства откройте браузер на своем андроид-устройстве и перейдите на официальный сайт Kent Casino. Найдите раздел загрузки или скачайте apk-файл напрямую на ваш телефон.
После завершения загрузки откройте файловый менеджер на вашем устройстве и найдите скачанный файл Kent Casino. Нажмите на него для начала установки. Вам может потребоваться подтверждение установки, в зависимости от версии Android.
После успешной установки Kent Casino вы сможете наслаждаться разнообразием игровых автоматов и азартных развлечений, предлагаемых этим кази
Подробное руководство с пошаговыми инструкциями
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Шаг 1: | Откройте настройки вашего мобильного устройства. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Шаг 2: | Разрешите установку приложений из неизвестных источников, выбрав соответствующую опцию в настройках безопасности. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Шаг 3: | Скачайте установочный файл Kent Casino на свое устройство, перейдя на официальный сайт или используя ссылку, предоставленную на странице загрузки. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Шаг 5: | Следуйте инструкциям на экране для завершения установки приложения. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Шаг 6: | После установки приложения Kent Casino вы можете открыть его на вашем устройстве и начать играть в любимые игры и п
ChatGPT Обзор популярных игровых автоматов и настольных игрВ казино-приложении Kent на андроид-устройствах представлено множество развлекательных игр, включая игровые автоматы и настольные игры. Это онлайн-казино предлагает пользователям бесплатное скачивание и установку андроид-программы, что делает его доступным для всех любителей азартных развлечений. Игровые автоматыОдним из главных преимуществ Kent Casino являетс Как получить бонусы в приложении Kent CasinoВ приложении Kent Casino пользователи могут наслаждаться разнообразными игровыми автоматами и получать щедрые бонусы. Чтобы начать получать бонусы, выполните следующие шаги: Скачивание и установка Kent Casino на андроидПервым шагом к получению бонусов является скачивание и установка казино-приложения на ваше андроид-у Советы по активации и использованию бонусных предложенийИспользование бонусных предложений в азартной игре на Kent Casino для андроид-устройств может значительно улучшить ваш опыт в онлайн-казино. В этом разделе мы предоставим вам ценные советы, которые помогут вам максимально эффективно использовать эти бонусы. Активация бонусовПеред тем как начать играть на андроид-программе Kent Casino, необходим Оценка безопасности и защиты данных в Kent CasinoВ современном мире мобильных казино-приложений безопасность и защита данных играют ключевую роль. Kent Casino предоставляет пользователям возможность скачать бесплатно установочный apk-файл на их андроид-устройства, обеспечивая при этом высокий уровень безопасности. Прежде чем установить казино-приложение, важно понимать, как Kent Casino защищает ваши данные. Во-первых, все мобильные программы проходят тщательную проверку на наличие вредоносного кода, что гарантирует безопасность игрового процесса и ваших личных данных. Во-вторых, Kent Casino использует современные технологии шифрования для защиты финансовых транзакций. Это позволяет игрокам наслаждаться азартными играми без опасений за безопасность своих средств. Каждое мобильное приложение регулярно обновляется, чтобы соответствовать Ищете захватывающее развлечение на своем андроид-устройстве? Онлайн-казино Kent Casino предлагает вам возможность скачать на Андроид бесплатно лучшие азартные игры и бонусы. Наслаждайтесь игровыми автоматами и другими азартными развлечениями в любое время и в любом месте. Преимущества мобильного онлайн-казиноСкачав Kent Casino на свое андроид-устройство, вы получаете доступ к огромному выбору казино-игр и слотов. Мобильная версия программы позволяет легко наслаждаться любимыми азартными играми без необходимости посещать наземные казино. Установите apk-файл и получите мгновенный доступ к разнообразным развлечениям. Как скачать и установить Kent Casino на АндроидПроцесс скачив Путеводитель по Кенту лучшие достопримечательности и советы для туристовДобро пожаловать в Кент – один из самых живописных уголков Англии, богатый историей и культурой. Этот замечательный регион, расположенный на юго-востоке страны, славится своими уютными городками, обрамленными зелеными лугами и древними замками. От чарующих улиц Кентербери до прекрасных пейзажей на берегу Кентербери – Кент обещает удивлять и вдохновлять каждого туриста. Кент – это не только место с глубокими корнями в истории, но и оазис для тех, кто ценит культурное наследие. Известные места, такие как Кентербери с его Исторические крепости и замки КентаГрафство Кент, расположенное на юго-востоке Англии, славится своим богатым историческим наследием, включая множество великолепных крепостей и замков. Замок Лидс (Leeds Castle)Замок Лидс, расположенный в городе Лидс, является одной из наиболее известных достопримечательностей Кента. Этот замок, окруженный озером, служил резиденцией для многих английских королей и имеет богатую историю, насчитывающую более 900 лет. Крепость Рочестер (Rochester Castle)Крепость Рочестер, Природные парки и заповедники: отдых среди природыКент славится своими живописными природными парками и заповедниками, которые предлагают уникальные возможности для отдыха на свежем воздухе. Вот некоторые из самых популярных мест: Парк “Рочестер”Один из старейших парков в регионе, расположенный в историческом центре города Рочестер. Идеальное место для прогулок и пикников. Заповедник “Сандвич”Здесь можно насладиться дикой природой и наблюдать за разнооб Архитектурные шедевры городов КентаКент славится своими богатыми архитектурными наследиями, охватывающими различные стили и эпохи. В разных уголках этого прекрасного региона можно найти замечательные образцы архитектуры, от средневековых замков до великолепных неоготических сооружений. Замки и дворцыОдним из самых известных замков Кента является Лиддский замок, сочетающий в себе элементы норманнского и готического стилей. Его толстые каменные стены и величественные башни вдохновляют посетителей своей величественностью. Городские архитектурные ансамблиГород Кантербери славится своим собором, который является выдающимся примером англиканской готики. Каждая деталь его архитектуры, начиная с мощных стен и заканчивая изящными витражами, напоминает о величии средневековья. Традиционные ярмарки и фестивали регионаКент, одно из самых исторически богатых мест в Англии, славится своими уникальными ярмарками и фестивалями, которые привлекают туристов со всего мира. Вот лишь несколько из них: 1. Дулвич Фестиваль – веселое событие, отмечающее богатую историю района Дулвич. 2. Мерстам Ярмарка – традиционное событие, где можно насладиться аутентичной атмосферой и купить ручные изделия. 3. Ларкфилд Фестиваль – ежегодное событие, собирающее жителей и гостей для празднования культуры и наслаждения местной кухней. 4. Хоу Ярмарка – одна из старейших ярмаро Гастрономические особенности Кента: что попробоватьКент – не только знаменитые замки и прекрасные пейзажи, но и богатое кулинарное наследие. В этом разделе мы расскажем о традиционных блюдах и напитках, которые стоит попробовать во время вашего визита. Кентский сырСыр является важной частью кентской кухни. Один из самых известных сортов – Редбулл, производимый в районе Эмплтон. Маршамские пирогиМаршам – известен своими пирогами, особенно популярными в городах Бродстерс и Фолкстон.
< Советы для комфортного путешествия по КентуКент – прекрасное место для путешествий, наполненное культурой, историей и живописными пейзажами. Чтобы ваше путешествие было максимально комфортным, учтите следующие советы: Exploring the Darknet Market AbacusIn the shadowy depths of the internet lies a world few dare to explore. This clandestine bazaar operates under a veil of secrecy, hidden from the prying eyes of the surface web. Welcome to the darknet, a concealed marketplace where the illicit trades flourish. Here, the abacus of unlawful transactions is complex, with each link and URL leading to a new secret address in this black market ecosystem. At the heart of the darknet is the Tor network, a labyrinth of onion addresses that provide the cover of anonymity. This covert web is a deep ocean of data, where obscure and stealth activities take place beyond the reach of law enforcement. Each hidden service, every concealed page, contributes to an underground economy that is as complex as it is unlawful. The allure of the darknet is in its promise of anonymity and its veiled operations. Transactions conducted in this shadow marketplace are often facilitated by cryptocurrencies, adding another layer of stealth to the already obscure dealings. From illicit drugs to illegal weapons, and even stolen data, the darknet market thrives in this concealed corner of the internet, presenting a significant challenge to law enforcement agencies worldwide. Understanding the workings of this illegal marketplace requires navigating through a web of clandestine activities, deep web URLs, and secret addresses. The darknet is not just a black market; it is a complex, hidden ecosystem that operates in the shadows, making it one of the most intriguing and obscure parts of the internet. Darknet Market Abacus: Comprehensive GuideThe darknet is a veiled part of the internet, accessible only through specific software like Tor. Within this shadowy realm lies the Darknet Market Abacus, an underground marketplace where various illicit goods and services are traded. This guide aims to unravel the concealed layers of this clandestine bazaar, providing a comprehensive understanding of its operations and how it remains hidden from the law. Darknet markets operate in the deep web, which is different from the surface web that most users are familiar with. These markets use Tor, an onion-routing network, to maintain user anonymity and keep their addresses obscure. Transactions on these platforms are conducted using cryptocurrencies, which add an extra layer of stealth and concealment. The following sections will delve into the specifics of these unlawful markets, shedding light on their secretive operations.
Understanding the Darknet Market Abacus requires a deep dive into its covert operations and the techniques used to keep it veiled from authorities. Despite its unlawful nature, it operates with a level of sophistication comparable to legitimate e-commerce platforms, albeit within the shadows. By exploring these clandestine marketplaces, one can gain insight into the darker aspects of the digital world. Understanding the Illicit Abacus MarketplaceThe Abacus marketplace, a concealed and clandestine bazaar on the dark web, epitomizes the shadowy nature of illegal online trade. Operating under the veil of secrecy, this illicit market leverages the anonymity provided by the Tor network to facilitate unlawful transactions. To access Abacus, users must navigate a web of obscure links and hidden URLs, often referred to as onion addresses. Here’s a closer look at how the Abacus marketplace functions and maintains its covert operations:
The Abacus marketplace represents a significant challenge for law enforcement due to its secretive nature and sophisticated use of technology. Its veiled operations within the darknet make it a formidable player in the realm of illegal online markets. Despite efforts to crack down on such platforms, the continuous evolution of these markets ensures that they remain a persistent and dark aspect of the internet’s underground economy. Understanding the mechanisms behind the Abacus marketplace is crucial for developing effective strategies to combat illegal activities on the dark web. By shedding light on these covert operations, authorities can better address the challenges posed by such hidden and illicit marketplaces. Accessing Abacus Market via Tor NetworkTo explore the veiled world of the Abacus Market, one must first understand the intricacies of accessing this clandestine marketplace. This covert bazaar exists within the shadowy depths of the darknet, far removed from the familiar expanses of the surface web. Here, we delve into the steps necessary to reach this concealed service through the Tor Network. The journey to the Abacus Market begins with the installation of the Tor Browser, a tool specifically designed to facilitate anonymous browsing of the deep web. Tor, an acronym for The Onion Router, enables users to stealthily navigate the hidden corners of the internet by routing traffic through a series of encrypted nodes, effectively masking their identity and location. This stealthy approach is essential when accessing illegal or unlawful services, such as those offered on the Abacus Market. Once the Tor Browser is installed, the next step involves obtaining the precise onion link for the Abacus Market. This hidden address, often shared within underground forums and secretive online communities, serves as the gateway to this obscure marketplace. Users must exercise caution when searching for these links, as the darknet is rife with deceptive and fraudulent sites designed to exploit the unwary. Upon entering the correct onion address, users will find themselves at the threshold of the Abacus Market. This covert portal opens to a world of illicit trade, where anonymity is paramount, and transactions are conducted in digital currencies like Bitcoin. The market’s interface, though veiled in secrecy, operates similarly to conventional e-commerce sites, complete with vendor listings, product descriptions, and customer reviews. Engaging with the Abacus Market requires a deep understanding of its rules and protocols. To maintain a low profile and avoid detection, users must employ a range of security measures, including the use of VPNs, encrypted communications, and secure wallets. The dark web’s nature demands a heightened awareness of potential threats, from law enforcement to cybercriminals, making vigilance and discretion vital. Exploring Abacus Market Products and ServicesThe Abacus Market is a well-known entity within the covert ecosystem of the darknet, accessible through the Tor network. This clandestine marketplace, often referred to as an underground bazaar, operates under a veil of secrecy, offering a wide range of illicit products and services. Here, we’ll explore the types of items and services one might encounter on Abacus Market, emphasizing the shadowy nature of this concealed market. Accessible via a specific onion address, Abacus Market’s web interface is designed to be as obscure and secretive as possible, providing a stealthy environment for buyers and sellers to engage in unlawful transactions. The market thrives in the deep web, far from the prying eyes of law enforcement and regulatory bodies, making it a significant hub for illegal activities. Below is a table that outlines the main categories of products and services available on Abacus Market.
The covert nature of Abacus Market and its operations in the shadowy recesses of the darknet make it a focal point for illegal commerce. Users access this black market through specific URLs and links shared within the secretive communities of the deep web. The stealth required to navigate and transact on Abacus Market underscores the ongoing challenges law enforcement faces in combating these illegal marketplaces. Risks and Dangers of Abacus Market TransactionsEngaging in transactions within the abacus marketplace on the darknet poses a multitude of risks and dangers. Despite the allure of anonymity and the covert nature of the platform, users must be aware of the inherent perils associated with such clandestine activities. 1. Hidden IdentityOne of the primary risks of conducting transactions on the abacus market is the hidden identity of both buyers and sellers. While the tor network provides a veil of secrecy, it also enables malicious actors to operate with impunity, making it challenging to discern the true intentions of counterparties. 2. Illicit Goods and ServicesThe abacus marketplace thrives on the sale of illegal and obscure goods and services, ranging from drugs and counterfeit items to hacking tools and stolen data. Engaging in transactions within this underground economy exposes participants to legal repercussions and the possibility of unknowingly supporting criminal enterprises. Law Enforcement and Abacus Market InvestigationsIn the ever-evolving landscape of online crime, law enforcement agencies face numerous challenges in investigating illicit activities on the darknet. With the proliferation of darknet markets like Abacus, specialized strategies and tools are required to navigate the clandestine nature of these platforms. Understanding the Darknet EcosystemThe darknet, accessed through specialized browsers like Tor, offers a hidden web of illegal activities ranging from drug trafficking to cybercrime. Within this shadowy realm, Abacus operates as a covert marketplace, facilitating transactions for illicit goods and services. Challenges in Investigations
Despite these obstacles, law enforcement agencies employ a variety of tactics to disrupt illicit activities on the darknet. From undercover operations to blockchain analysis, authorities continuously adapt their strategies to combat emerging threats in the underground economy. Staying Safe While Navigating Abacus MarketWhen delving into the shadowy depths of the darknet market known as Abacus, it’s crucial to prioritize safety measures to protect yourself from potential risks. Here are some essential tips:
By adhering to these precautions and staying informed, you can navigate the illicit bazaar of Abacus Market with greater confidence and mitigate potential risks associated with its clandestine nature. Something went wrong while generating the response. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at went wrong while generating the response. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at Discover Latest TorZon Market Link Updates NowIn the clandestine world of online commerce, the TorZon marketplace stands as a significant hub for encrypted trade and hidden exchanges. This dark web site, with its official .onion address, offers a private platform for users to engage in various forms of trading. Concealed within the depths of the Tor network, TorZon provides a safe haven for those looking to navigate the intricate pathways of the darknet. As the leading marketplace for secretive and black market transactions, TorZon is constantly evolving. Staying updated with the latest TorZon market link updates is crucial for those who frequent this underground site. The deep web home of TorZon, accessible through specific URL addresses, is where clandestine commerce meets cutting-edge encryption technology, ensuring privacy and security for all its users. With the dynamic nature of the darknet, having the current and active TorZon link is essential for accessing the main page and engaging in online trading activities. The TorZon homepage is a gateway to a concealed world where digital currency is the norm, and every transaction is shrouded in secrecy. Discovering the latest updates to the TorZon market link not only keeps you connected but also ensures that you remain a part of this exclusive and hidden community. Discover Latest TorZon Market Link Updates NowThe TorZon Market, a prominent clandestine platform within the darknet, constantly evolves, providing its users with the latest and most secure trading opportunities. To navigate this hidden marketplace efficiently, staying updated with the official web links is crucial. Below, we outline the most recent TorZon Market link updates to ensure safe and private access. Understanding TorZon MarketTorZon is a concealed online marketplace where users can trade a variety of goods using encrypted currency. Operating within the deep web, this marketplace remains invisible to standard search engines and requires a specific .onion URL to access. Here are some key aspects of the TorZon Market:
Latest Link UpdatesDue to the nature of the darknet, the URLs of sites like TorZon frequently change to avoid detection and maintain security. Here are the latest TorZon Market link updates:
Staying SecureWhen accessing the TorZon Market, it’s essential to follow these security tips:
By following these guidelines and using the updated links, you can safely and effectively navigate the TorZon Market for all your trading needs. Remember, the key to secure transactions on the darknet is staying informed and cautious at all times. Latest Changes to TorZon Market LinkThe TorZon Market, a clandestine marketplace in the dark web, has undergone significant changes recently. As the private platform continues to evolve, users of this underground commerce hub must stay informed about the latest updates to the main link and address used to access the site.
Staying abreast of these changes is crucial for anyone involved in darknet trading. As the TorZon Market continues to develop, its main page will be the primary source of official updates. Make sure to bookmark the new link and verify all URLs through trusted sources to ensure you’re accessing the legitimate and secure TorZon site. How to Access TorZon Site SecurelyAccessing the site securely is crucial for maintaining your privacy and safety while navigating the dark web. This clandestine marketplace offers a hidden, encrypted platform for trading various goods and services. To ensure your activities remain concealed and protected, follow these steps:
By following these steps, you can safely navigate the deep web and access the TorZon site for your trading needs. Remember, maintaining your privacy is paramount when engaging in online commerce on such clandestine platforms. Updated TorZon Market Links for 2024Explore the latest hub of TorZon, the clandestine network of the deep web. TorZon operates as a black marketplace on the darknet, where secret transactions occur using encrypted currencies. As an underground marketplace, TorZon’s web addresses, often referred to as onion links, remain hidden from typical search engines and public view. Its homepage, or “home,” can only be accessed through specific Tor browser configurations. For those engaged in online trade within the invisible realm of TorZon, finding the updated URL is crucial. This official market platform facilitates trading in a private and concealed environment, ensuring anonymity for both buyers and sellers. Discover the updated TorZon market link for 2024, enabling access to this dark web marketplace’s latest offerings and secure commerce. This HTML segment provides a unique section for an article on the updated TorZon market links, emphasizing its secretive nature and the importance of encrypted transactions in the dark web marketplace. Why TorZon Market Link MattersIn the clandestine realm of the darknet, where secrecy is currency and anonymity is paramount, TorZon Market stands as a hidden hub of encrypted trade. Operating within the deep web’s encrypted network, TorZon serves as the main marketplace for those seeking a private and secure platform for online commerce. Its onion address, known only to its community, ensures that access remains concealed from the mainstream web. As an official platform of the darknet, TorZon Market provides a secure environment for users to engage in a variety of transactions, ranging from black market exchanges to legal but private trading. Its homepage within the Tor network acts as the central exchange point for a diverse array of goods and services, all shielded from the visible web. Understanding the significance of TorZon’s market link is crucial for those navigating the deep web’s invisible web of transactions. It serves as more than just a website; it is the gateway to a hidden economy where privacy and security are paramount. Steps to Verify TorZon Site LinksWhen navigating the labyrinthine network of TorZon, ensuring the authenticity of site links is paramount to safeguarding your online transactions and privacy. 1. Understand TorZon’s Web of LinksTorZon serves as the main hub for clandestine trade within the darknet, operating under the Tor network. Its web pages, often hidden behind encrypted URLs ending in ‘.onion’, form the platform for private and concealed commerce. 2. Identifying the Official TorZon LinkLocating the official TorZon link can be daunting amidst a sea of imposters. Look for the deep web address that leads to the legitimate marketplace. This link is the gateway to the encrypted realm where underground currency exchange and trading thrive. Remember, the correct TorZon link is the gateway to secure online transactions within the black market ecosystem, ensuring your interactions remain under the cloak of anonymity and security. This HTML segment outlines steps for verifying TorZon site links, emphasizing the importance of navigating the darknet safely and securely. Stay Updated with TorZon Market ChangesAs the deep web’s leading trading hub, TorZon Market remains a pivotal platform in the darknet ecosystem. To keep abreast of the latest developments and ensure access to the marketplace, bookmark the official TorZon homepage. This encrypted site serves as the main portal for all trading activities within the hidden web. Exploring TorZon’s Official HomepageThe TorZon homepage is your gateway to the secret web of commerce. Here, you can find the latest market updates, trading tips, and announcements directly from the TorZon team. The URL, concealed within the Tor network (.onion), ensures secure and anonymous access to the marketplace. Regularly checking this official link not only keeps you informed about market changes but also guarantees a secure connection to the TorZon platform. Stay vigilant as the TorZon market evolves within the invisible realms of the darknet. This HTML section provides a structured overview of staying updated with TorZon Market changes, emphasizing the importance of the official homepage and its secure access through the Tor network. Ipsidy expands global reach with Safetrade Africa partnershipIpsidy Inc (OTCQX:IDTY) EMEA Managing Director Jonathan Ellis updates Proactive Investors on the biometric identification and electronic transaction processor’s deal with privately held Safetrade Africa to launch biometric identity authentication for the African and Indian Ocean markets. Ellis says Safetrade Africa will offer Ipsidy’s suite of biometric identity and authentication products in South Africa and nearly 20 African countries. Safetrade Africa has several thousand customers that Ipsidy products such as Verified and Access will now be able to reach. Ipsidy and Safetrade Africa launch biometric identity authentication solutions for African, Indian Ocean marketsSafetrade Africa will resell Ipsidy’s Access, a novel cost-effective mobile biometric tracking system and Verified, which simplifies caller identification. ![]() Ipsidy Inc (OTCQX:IDTY), a provider of biometric identification and electronic transaction processing services, said Wednesday that it had forged a pact with Safetrade Africa to launch biometric identity authentication solutions for the African and Indian Ocean markets. Under the terms of the agreement, Safetrade Africa will partner with Ipsidy to offer the US company’s suite of biometric identity and authentication solutions in South Africa and nearly 20 African countries south of the equator. The partnership will also extend to the Indian Ocean islands of Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles. The joint offering will initially include Ipsidy’s Access, a novel cost-effective mobile biometric tracking system and Verified, which simplifies caller identification. “We are excited to partner with Ipsidy to resell the company’s suite of biometric identity solutions and thereby becoming an early leader in the African market to offer this technology,” said Carrie Dickie of Safetrade Africa. “Identity and cyber security are major issues for our clients and for the financial services, payments, e-commerce wallet, healthcare, contact centre and cryptocurrency exchange industries we serve. Our clients seek innovative solutions that offer enhanced security and protection against fraud. We believe that Ipsidy’s solutions will provide our clients with the highest level of identity and transaction authentication,” added Dickie. Both the Ipsidy products — Access and Verified — are cost-effective and easy to use. Using nothing more than tablets, Bluetooth and mobile phones, Ipsidy’s Access protects the perimeters of buildings, campuses and even borders to create safer environments by monitoring the enrolled identities of people moving in and around a defined area. Managers at companies, hospitals and warehouses, as well as residential and commercial buildings, for example, can use this new technology to confirm the biometric identification of enrolled participants upon their arrival and exit from buildings. Similarly, Verified leverages Ipsidy’s identity portal to help companies seamlessly authenticate a user’s identity. It provides a frictionless caller experience as callers simply login to Ipsidy Identity portal where they trigger an authentication request to the caller’s registered mobile phone. “Ipsidy is pleased to partner with Safetrade to resell our services in the Sub-Saharan African and Indian Ocean market. Together we will offer solutions that provide the highest level of security, control and certainty for everyday transactions,” said Jonathan Ellis, managing director of Ipsidy EMEA. Based in Long Beach, New York, Ipsidy has developed secure biometric identity management and electronic transaction solutions for government and public-sector organizations in the United States, South Africa and internationally. |